Archive | August 2016

A Big Day

Mr. Fifty Shades and I have been hanging out with each other for a good long while.  Through the years, he’s turned to me from time to time and asked…

(please hum The Beatles song, “When I’m 64” as you read this)

When we get older, gray in our hair

Many years from now

Can we maybe make a big move to a farm

With dogs and hens and a rooster alarm?

We will be happy

It will be fun

But, I just gotta know

Will you still need me, will you still feed me

when I’m 64?

Yes, Mr. Fifty Shades – and if we are so lucky – and just because it rhymes, you’ve got me through 84 as well!  

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I love you, Mr. Fifty Shades – Happy Birthday!

and lots of wet nosed kisses and purrs from your four legged family @ Fifty Shades of Green Acres


My Midsummer Night’s Dream

My midsummer night’s dream…

Getting ready for our evening walk with our well behaved dogs…


…Mr. Fifty Shades went outside before me.  A few minutes later, he stuck his head in the door and said, “Honey bunch, you better get a sweater, it’s a bit chilly out here.”

…And, then I woke up.  It was all a delirious dream.  It’s hot and steamy here and has been so for FOREVER.  Has it been hot where you are?  Part of our desire to move up here was to enjoy the cooler weather.  In wishing for a cool down, we know we’re not alone – the whole country has been enduring the high temps. The heat must be due to the nonexistent climate change.  That’s all I can think.

Just for something fun to occupy his time, Mr. Fifty Shades began a new project.  This mower has earned its keep and should not endure the indignity of having to share space in our garage…see how pathetic this is?…


After it was determined that this tough little mower deserved a building of its own, Mr. Fifty Shades designed the building and began laying it out. The Deere’s new digs will feature a garage door and two additional doors, electricity, three windows, a 50 inch television, and a spa.  Ha!

Coincidentally and concurrently with the planning, our 14 year old (soon to be 15) friend was looking for a way to earn some money this summer.  Wow – don’t you love coincidences?  Mr. Fifty Shades and his young assistant tackled the job…

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…and the rest of the summer is kind of a blurry, humid, impossibly scorching span of time.

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Here is the status as of today:


…still some work to be done, but Mr. Fifty Shades believes it will be move in ready in about six weeks or so.  We are all so happy for Mr. Deere.

In milestone news, these are the three little chicks that hatched on June 12th.  They grow up so fast…

Time will tell if they are hens or roosters (they aren’t saying).


Until next time,

Fifty Shades of Green Acres