Archive | May 2020

Racing with Squirrels

Right there  on top of the fence post is a discarded piece of a beautiful ripe red strawberry.  We try to pick strawberries from our garden at least once a day but it’s a race to see who gets to them first – us or the squirrels.  Once the pesky squirrels beat us to the day’s bounty, they then have the nerve to eat just part of a berry and leave the rest to taunt us.

The Discarded Strawberry

But it’s okay.  They only want the prettiest, reddest, sweetest looking ones.  😦  Birds seem kind of partial to them, too!


  • A Journey of Half a Mile Begins With a Hundred Feet

Mr. Fifty Shades started a new project.  Yes, we’ve all been wondering what the next project would be…a new garden shed, finishing up the inside of of his shop, making a new piece of furniture? …Options abound for what project gets pulled out of the hat.  This project involves the use of these tools lined up against the side of our house:

From Right to Left: Post Hole Diggers, Level, Rock Bar, Shovel, Ax, etc.

It also involves dealing with clearing out some trees and underbrush, and working on some steep and rocky terrain…

Yep, you guessed it…it’s a fencing project that will begin on the north side of our house and go around the property and encompass most of the land to the west of our driveway – in total about half a mile of fencing.  It’s a huge undertaking and Mr. Fifty Shades is pretty excited about taking it on…

The tractor’s post hole digger is a wonderful attachment and will save Mr. Fifty Shades a lot of digging by hand.  Unfortunately, at least the first 100 feet of fencing were in a place that the tractor was only able to be used on the two holes behind him in the picture.

Already, he’s pulled about 100 feet of fencing and has made the turn for the part that will go behind our house to the west.


It’s back breaking work – some parts go quicker than others depending upon if you hit rock when digging or just need to take down a couple small trees.  Mr. Fifty Shades wants to be done by the end of summer (just not sure what year!?!).

  • Snakes Alive!

Not long ago I walked just outside our garden and encountered this snake.  Mr. Fifty Shades was nowhere close so I decided to take a picture and even though I was sure this was the “good kind” of snake, I was really proud of myself for getting this close – boy, was Mr. Fifty Shades going to be impressed with my bravery.  After the picture taking ceremony, I watched the snake slither into our garden and so I figured I didn’t need to work in the garden anymore that day.  I was almost back to the house when I heard Mr. Fifty Shades’ voice and then some frantic barking from Scout and Sage.  I rushed back down to find the dogs in their penned in area trying to get to the snake and Mr. Fifty Shades trying to keep them away from it.  What happened next … a blur.  I am trying to hang on to two fifty+/- pound dogs while Mr. Fifty Shades grabbed the snake at the base of hits head and got him out of harm’s (dogs’) way.  To top it all off, our neighbor walked up at the time all of this was happening to ask a question.  Up pops Mr. Fifty Shades with a four foot snake in his hand and walking out the gate like this happened every day.  I wish I could have had a picture of that – but, I was a little busy.

  • Second Covid Haircut

Mr. Fifty Shades and I gave him his second covid cut – this one, a little shorter and we’re getting a little better at it.

  • Lettuce

Our lettuce is growing well in our square foot gardens near the house.  We’re able to harvest a salad daily.

  • Are We Losing It?

We thought we were doing so well…but, then this happened.  One evening during our last walk with the dogs I heard a noise in the distance.  I thought I knew what it was but didn’t say anything to Mr. Fifty Shades.  I heard it again and looked at him.  He said, “I thought I heard a donkey.”  I immediately said, “I did, too!”  Then, the sound got closer and it turned out…it was a plane.  Yes, what we thought was a donkey braying was a small plane.  Before you think, we’re completely bonkers, our neighbor’s donkey ran away a few day’s earlier, so we had that on our minds…really, the plane sounded like a donkey!  This gives a whole new meaning to “when donkeys fly.”

  • Alvin

The picture quality is not great but I was able to grab a quick picture of Alvin the Chipmunk – if you look carefully you can see him on the tree in the middle of the picture.  He said he’d bring his buddies around soon.   I hope they don’t like strawberries too 😉

Until next time,

Fifty Shades of Green Acres Team





We Temporarily Interrupt Spring…

We temporarily interrupt spring for…WINTER!  The calendar says May but the thermometer said 33 yesterday morning and 30 this morning!!!  We thought we could safely stow away our heavy coats and gloves but they need to be available for a few more days this week.

In other news…

A Barbershop Opened Up in Our Driveway

Mr. Fifty Shades and I teamed up to give him a haircut last week.  We basically made it a buzz cut but his hair was on the longish side so there was a lot of cutting and a good bit of shaving to do.  One thing I don’t think you’re supposed to hear when you are cutting your spouse’s hair is, “Ouch.”  But, it was just a little “ouch.”  Also, you probably shouldn’t remark, “Wow, look at all the gray in your hair.”  Just saying.

A Bagel Shop Opened Up in Our Kitchen

In an effort to answer our craving for carbs during these uncertain times, Mr. Fifty Shades has upped his game and learned to make bagels.

Shaping the dough into thin rolls.

Forming the thin rolls into circles prior to boiling.

These are the best bagels I’ve ever eaten (even better than NYC – or even, Casselberry! 🙂  )  Mr. Fifty Shades even made my favorite – sesame seed!!!

Boiling bagels.

Finished product – with sesame topping and oatmeal topping – yum.

Happy Mother’s Day

If you are a Mom and can’t be near your loved ones today, be good to yourself.  Have an extra piece of chocolate, read a book, and take a long nap.  Come to think of it, do that even if you are not a Mom!

Moonset, Sunrise Early Morning Western View

Until next time,

Fifty Shades of Green Acres